So....... De la Salle High School gets their own movie? Really? I guess I could understand, however, is "When the Game Stands Tall" one of the best films of the year? Or is it just a mediocre typical sports film? Well, first lets talk story....

When "The Game Stands Tall" is about how De La Salle highschool had a football win record that lasted twelve years, with one-hundred and fifty-one games won. But one day, they lose. This story revolves around how they must learn to win or lose like any other team, and to just try their best. Now I am glad I saw this movie, but its just an okay film. I'm probably not going to watch this again, or buy it on DVD. I thought that the film had some good and bad moments, but unfortunately mostly bad moments. Let's talk about the good moments of the film first. Jim Caviezel and Michael Chiklis are great as the real life De La Salle coaches Bob Ladoucer and Terry Edison. In fact..... they are the best parts of the film. To be honest, none of the kid actors are good except for three of them. Alexander Ludwig, Joe Manssingill, and Ser Darius Blain. The other actors are over the top bad. Well Most of the kid actors really suck here, they are way to over the top or just are really terrible. Laura Dern plays Bobs wife, Bev and she could've been played by any body really. Clancy Brown comes in as a abusive father to one of the kids, and I'm glad to see one of my childhood actors getting work, but I think he was let down by a mediocre script, and I also think anyone could've played his character.
The Script itself is mediocre and predictable. In fact most of the movie is mediocre and predictable. For instance, when Coach Ladoucer has a heart attack, he laments the fact that his son needs him to coach. His wife says, "He doesn't need a coach, he needs a father!" Okay, true, but so predictable.
Onto the the positive (for the most part). The score is fantastic here. It really great when they put it at the edgy moments. Bob Ladoucer, is an interesting man. I wanted to learn more about how he and Terry ( assistant head coach) worked the team than learning about the team. Some Football scenes are interesting to watch, they can be edgy to fun. I liked the very beginning of the film, how it was structured.
Now what I hated about this movie was this: There was a life lesson at the end of every bad or sad moment. It annoyed me. some parts I understood, but its in every single bad moment! If you are interested in seeing this movie, rent it. If you wanna see it badly go it a matinee, otherwise don't go see it if you hate those typical sports films.
When The Game Stands Tall isn't terrible but its just too predicable and mediocre. When "The Game Stands Tall" gets a C+.